Where will you take #BigPinky?
Don’t miss out on catching our hot pink ice cream truck Big Pinky around town! Follow us on Twitter (@hipointcreamery) and Facebook to...

HPC loves 303 Magazine
Look at all of these articles that 303 Magazine has written about us over the past three years!!! We didn't realize that there had been...

Bon Appetit recognizes Denver Central Market
Whoa!... Bon Apetit just named the Denver Central Market as one of the best new restaurants IN AMERICA for 2017. That is a pretty big...

BusinessDen - HPC coming to Tennyson!!!
“Denver sometimes gets tagged as a brewery city or a distillery city, but I think it’s also an ice cream city,” Stutz said. BusinessDen...

Denver Post Flavor Feature
The Denver Post recently featured our new spring flavor "Eggs Two Ways" as their ice cream of the week... "Best of all, because of the...

HPC on Fox31
We just discovered this cool feature on KDVR's website. It's a compilation of all of the times that Erika has appeared on one of their...

"Best Ice Cream Shop" - Westword 2017
Woot!!!! Westword has again named High Point Creamery as its Editor's Choice for best ice cream shop in Denver. We love scooping ice...

5280 Magazine... Day in the Life: HPC
5280 Magazine just published a "day in the life" article about Erika and all of her shenanigans as she swings between the roles of chef,...

"BuzzFeed" recognizes HPC
"They have flights! For $9, you get five scoops of ice cream with your choice of chocolate syrup or caramel. It was the perfect size to...

USA Today: HPC making ice cream mark
"In the beginning, two entrepreneurs had an ice cream maker, an obsession with ice cream, and a passion to figure out what they wanted to...